Meet Our Snow Removal Fleet
Rockland is committed to providing top notch snow removal service to our customers. To achieve this we need powerful equipment. The right tools are half the battle to a job well done. We want you to meet our hard working snow removal fleet.
Rockland has Snow Blowers
We'll keep your sidewalks clear and accessible with our Toro snow blowers and Stihl backpack blowers. You'll appreciate the attention to detail because we make sure that the curbs are exposed and free of snow accumulation. This ensures curbs won't get damaged by drivers.
Rockland has Graders
We operate John Deere graders to scrape and plow your parking lots and clear away snow and ice down to the pavement. We pile up the snow in preparation to be hauled away.
Rockland has Skid Steers and Loaders
Once the snow is plowed it needs to be moved or loaded into dump trucks. Rockland uses Bobcat brand skid steers and John Deere loaders to accomplish this task. You’ll see them hard at work moving massive piles of snow or clearing off sidewalks and parking lots.
Rockland has Dump Trucks
Parking lots can collect a lot of snow, and you need to make room for all of those vehicles that visit your business. Rockland will haul away that snow in dump trucks so your lot doesn't have large piles of snow after plowing.
Rockland has Sand/Salt Trucks
Ice is no match for Rockland's sanding/salting trucks. After the snow on your sidewalks and parking lot is cleared, we use our trucks to spread, gravel, sand, and salt to ensure that the ice underneath won't cause any people to fall and reduce the likelihood of automobile collisions.
Road Sanding and Salting Edmonton
Put our well-maintained fleet to work for you! Rockland as all the equipment to complete any size of job you require. Contact us at 780-239-7625, or by e-mail: and let us take care of your snow removal needs.