How to Create an Inviting & Livable Yard
When the weather turns warm and pleasant, we are drawn to spend more time outdoors. Is your yard as inviting as you want it to be? You can change that with Rockland's Landscaping advice on how to create a comfortable and inviting outdoor space.
Create a Patio
You can create a beautiful stone patio provides you with a new dining space where you can eat a leisurely breakfast on the weekends or a casual dinner during the week. It can be a place where you can connect with your family and with nature while eating outside in the open air.
Install a Fireplace or Fire Pit
There is something innately comforting about a fire. Creating an outdoor fireplace or fire pit with our flagstone or Expocrete product and enables an ambiance that will attract people and provide a place to socialize and be the hub of events at your home. You can even cook outside with these features.
Create Flower Beds
Flowers and plants can bring a touch of nature into your yard and create an oasis to relax and appreciate the beauty of the plants and greenery. You can use flagstone to create a bed and grow some plants and flowers.
Use Synthetic Grass / Turf
You can use turf in many creative ways in your yard. You can create mats of turf and make a very cost-effective patio to place your outdoor dining table and chairs.
Create Some Privacy
Shrubs, bushes and retaining walls can provide you and your family privacy in your yard and make it feel cozy. They can also be used to block off a certain area of your yard for different purposes as walls do in your home.
Summer Photo Contest
Send Rockland a photo of your yard by e-mail at, label it "Livable Backyard Contest" and you will be entered to win a fantastic prize from Rockland.
Rockland can make your yard a comfortable, livable space where you will actually want to spend time this summer. Contact us at (780) 239-7625 or