High-Quality Topsoil and Garden Mixes
Our topsoil starts with premium unscreened dirt often sourced from farmland redeveloped for other use. Arriving in large clumps, we run it through our trommel screener, converting it to a fine, clean and consistent topsoil.
How much do I need?
Soil is measured in cubic yards, meaning a yard of soil is 3' x 3' x 3'. Spread out over 100ft2 (a 10' x 10' area), it will cover the ground to a depth of 3". Our bobcat loader can pick up half a yard with its bucket, and we’re here to help you work out how much you need to get the job done if math isn’t your strong suit.
Who can pick up soil?
The minimum amount for soil pick-up is three yards, which means it’s primarily contractors with their larger vehicles and the capacity to carry that amount who can pick up at our location. The loader is not suitable for smaller vehicles like pick-up trucks, but don’t worry, we’re happy to deliver soil to our customers. Give us a call and have your shovels ready.
Garden Mix
An equally popular, high-quality product is our garden mix, which uses our topsoil as its base, combining it with garden sand and the City of Edmonton’s rich compost.
With the top soil as the foundation for plant life, filled with nitrogen and other nutrients compost makes the soil more porous while ensuring it stays together. The garden sand also resists soil packing and supplies drainage so excess water does not become stagnant.
Experienced gardeners appreciate our premium garden mix with peat moss added. Peat acts like a sponge, holding water in reserve safely for days with a slow release for your plants as needed.