5 Tips for Snow Removal at home
Did you hear?! Edmonton broke its record for the longest cold snap in 30 years this February! The cold temperatures seem to be what everyone is talking about these days and while we’d like to start thinking about landscaping season, we’re in for at least a few more weeks of winter weather.
Rockland offers snow management services including snow removal, sanding, ice management and more for businesses in the Edmonton area so you could say that we have a lot of experience dealing with the white stuff. With more freeze and thaw cycles to come, we wanted to share our top tips for snow removal that you can use at home to prevent slips or falls for guests and your family.
Here are 5 snow and ice removal hacks:
1) Prevent ice and snow build up: If snow is in the forecast, sprinkle an environmentally friendly ice melt on driveways and front steps before it begins to snow. Avoid using rock salt as it can be damaging to stone pavers and harmful to our little furry friends. Pay attention to the label to ensure you’re using the right ice melt for the weather as certain formulations work better in different temperatures.
2) Start with a smooth surface: When a snow storm is on the way, we use a combination of ice melt and graders to scrape down to the pavement BEFORE more snow falls. Clearing old snow build up down to the pavement is easy with Big John but at home, you’ll have to rely on a number of hand-held tools like a metal ice scraper. Be extra gentle when using an ice scraper on natural stone or pavers so as not to chip the stone surface.
3) Stay ahead of the snow: During heavy snowfalls, it’s best to do what we call “defensive shoveling” which is where you remove snow as frequently as possible even if it continues to snow. Staying on top of snow removal reduces ice build up and is easier to remove without breaking a sweat. You can even use a leaf blower to keep snow off your driveway and walkway and reserve the snow blower for bigger jobs.
4) Use the right tools: We wouldn’t use a skid steer (pictured above) to clear snow from a large parking lot as this would be way too time consuming! Same applies at home; use the right tools at the right time. If snow has accumulated, we recommend using a large push shovel to clear big surfaces like driveways and pathways in minutes. Create piles of snow at the foot of the drive way or at the edges and then save your back by using a smaller shovel to lift snow onto a snowbank.
5) Get into a positive mindset: We get it, Edmonton winters are long! But getting outside for some fresh air and some movement can be rejuvenating. It’s important to have the right equipment and dress for the weather to make snow removal a little less painful. Also, it’s more fun as a team so get your partner and/or kids out there to help!
If you have any questions or want to know more about our commercial snow management services, please contact us.