4 Ways to Get Your Backyard Ready for Spring
With all the snow, slush, and ice this winter, yard work was probably the last thing on your mind! Now that it’s finally melting away and you’re spending a little extra time at home, this is the perfect time to shift your focus to your outdoor space.
From pruning shrubs to adding patio furniture and décor, we're sharing how to your prepare your backyard for spring in 4 steps so you will be ready for the warmer months in no time.
Pro tip: Get the kids outside and involved because we know that keeping them busy right now is a challenge!
1) Prune Your Trees and Shrubs
Check your trees and shrub for branches that have been damaged by winterkill. For the most part, it’s easy to tell the difference: the dead bark will be brown and black, and the healthy bark will be green. You can decide how much dead bark to cut off, based on your preference.
That said, you don’t want to cut off too much, too soon and accidentally trim off spring flowers! Some shrubs contain buds from last year’s growth, and are waiting for the warmer months to bloom. These branches typically look older but it’s imperative that you don’t cut them off or else you lose all the flowers. If you have forsythia, Korean spice viburnum, or lilac trees, you should wait to prune these until later in the season after they finish blooming!
2) Concrete and Paver Maintenance
If the surface of your patio and walkways contain concrete and/or paving stones, proper maintenance is essential to keep them lasting forever. Luckily, it doesn’t require too much work and all you need are a handful of common household items.
- Brush off loose dirt and debris. The harsh Edmonton elements most likely caused dirt, branches, and leaves to hit your patio, decks, and walkways. Use a broom to sweep away as much as you can.
- Rinse them off. A regular garden hose will remove the remaining dirt and debris. If you own a pressure washer, that’s even better!
- Scrub off any stains. If you notice discolouration, you can typically remove the stain with a simple solution of water and detergent. Mix the solution in a bucket and use a rag to scrub away the stain.
- Remove weeds between paving stones. It is common to experience weeds in garden paths, pavers, and driveways. If you want to remove these weeds, you’ll need tight-fitted garden gloves, a bucket or wheelbarrow, knee pads (optional), and a billhook or kitchen knife to get into the crevices. Dampen the soil so that you can pull from the root, and spend the afternoon pulling.
- Replace broken or chipped stones. Sometimes paving stones don’t make it through the winter season, and that’s okay! If you notice yours are chipped or cracked, browse our vast selection of concrete hardscape products and order your replacements.
3) Treat Your Grass
Spring lawn care is a great excuse to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather. It’s finally time to tune up the mower by changing the oil, air filter, and spark plug. Clean the top and undercarriage by removing dirt, grass, and debris, and sharpening the mower blade. Once that’s done, you’ll be ready to start tending to the grass when the time comes!
Provide lots of water to encourage healthy roots, and you may need to add fertilizer and grass seed to help it grow out lush and green. If winter was particular harsh on your lawn leaving damage due to snow mould or crown freeze, learn more about how to fix common lawn damage.
4) Patio Furniture and Accessories
Add functionality to your patio or deck, and create an outdoor space where you’ll want to relax all summer long. Selecting the perfect patio furniture and accessories for your space is entirely dependent on the weather and exposure. If your space is more exposed to the elements, seek out materials like aluminum, plastic, wicker, and iron. Also, look for patio cushions with polyester fibres which allow water to run off and filter through.
As for accessories, a patio umbrella and furniture cover can help combat weather damage and general wear and tear. Add a focal point by building your own fire pit to create the ultimate summer hangout spot!
If you have any questions about your landscaping plans or would like to request a quote on landscaping supplies, please contact us by email (sales@rocklandsupplies.com) or by phone at 780-239-7625. We’ll help you shop from the comfort of your home and offer contactless delivery or pick-up.